make it bake it

I remember picking up those little pieces with tweezers with my mom.  Make It Bake It.  One of those things I thought maybe I’d never get to do with my own daughter.

Today, we got to make 3 kitties (remind me to tell you how I’m worried I might be raising a crazy cat lady).  We scooped and poured and smoothed and tweezed those tiny little pieces.  We baked.  We waited (what seemed like an eternity to a certain 3 year old).  We didn’t use enough of the little colored pieces.  But it’s all okay.

She loved it.  And of course, so did I.



~ by Larisa on July 26, 2011.

4 Responses to “make it bake it”

  1. Oh, Wow! Look how big she is now!

    And just think, one day she may do the same with her daughter.

  2. Oh my. When did she turn into a little girl? She’s absolutely lovely. And how fun!

  3. Your daughter is the best part! What a cutie. I was interested to see your sheet cake version…looks like it worked.

  4. Love that face! 🙂

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